Saturday, April 18, 2009

Enjoying the Spring weather!

It has taken the warm weather a while to get here but it finally has arrived and we are loving it! Our tulips are blooming and look beautiful! We also have a bush outside our bedroom window that we think it is tulips too and they are also very pretty!

We had a nice Easter and our kids enjoyed an egg hunt out at their grandparents. Caleb found his first egg and it immediately went into his mouth!

Here he is diving for it.......

.....and into his mouth it goes!

More happy egg hunters.....

Abby had some help with her hunting........

After all the goodies were dumped out of the eggs
they were given to the baby who promptly began
'tasting' each one!

A happy grin from a satisfied egg hunter and taster!

Easter Morning:

Our family Easter picture

My handsome man and our 2 little

Our sweet girls all pretty in pink!

All 4 together....
Caleb would NOT smile for anything!

I am happy to report that God has helped us to get our passports all applied for and sent out! We also visited the Health Dept. and everyone but Caleb had immunizations done. Tetanus and Hep A were the main ones we needed for visiting Haiti. Caleb will get his shots next week at his 9 month check-up. Needless to say, we all have very sore arms! For some odd reason, as soon as the nurse stuck me I bled and bruised right away! My upper arm is all black and blue just from a tiny stick that I did not even feel! Poor Abby had to get 4 shots since it was time for her regular kindergarten immunizations. She was NOT happy and if anyone got near her sore arms, she angrily informed them to 'not touch her shot!" We all walked around holding our sore arms for the next day! So we roll along with preparations to go to Haiti....There is still MUCH to do! We are having a yard sale this coming Sat. to help raise money for our trip. So I have many boxes to go thru and items to price....;o) Please pray that the sale will go well! We are asking people to donate items to help us out and to give us a BIG yard sale. I hope to have pictures later...
Have a beautiful Lord's day tomorrow!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

The passports are awesome. The shots, yeah well, not so much.