Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bakesale results and Abby's 5th Birthday

Our God is truly amazing! I am happy and thankful to report that He has provided more money we needed to make our TLC trip! The bakesale was a success! We leave this week for Florida. Please pray for protection for our family as we travel. We will be at Boot Camp for a week and then flying to Haiti on the 9th of June. Please pray for our family and our team as God brings us to your mind for strength, endurance, grace, protection and culture shock! THANK-YOU!

Here are some pictures:

Here are some of the baked goodies I made.

I baked around 20 different recipes. I was in the
kitchen all day Mon. from early in the morning
until midnight that night! God gave me a nice,
cool day to bake!
Here was our set-up at Walmart. We sold quite
a lot! Well worth it! A BIG thank-you to Aunt
Becky for making noodles for us to sell! They
went fast!

Ben was our sign-holder for the first part of the
day! The girls and the Quakenbushes came and
helped later on in the day. Thanks to everyone!

It got pretty warm and the kids found a great
shady spot!

Abigail's 5th Birthday-May 24th:

Abigail Joy is now 5 years old!

Her birthday was this past Sunday.
She looked so pretty in her dress that
I just had to take pictures!
Celebrating with Elli:
Sorry that this is a little blurry! Elli and Abby
usually celebrate their birthdays together and here
they are with their cake I made them.
Cute personalities shining! Elli will turn 5 on
June 2nd.
Abby with her BIG DQ icecream cake
at G-pa and G-ma Hirschys! She loves
ballet stuff!

Opening her presents. Lots of coloring books
and a BIG purple ball!

With all her fun presents! Including a

gift card for Walmart!

I leave you with the little man all set to travel!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good to hear the bake sale went so well, I thought about you guys while I was working away yesterday.
If you get a minute call me tonight after Church, I should be home.
