Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Catching up....!

Okay, I have seriously got way behind on this blog! It seems like it takes so long to blog and I have not had the time or the energy! Anyway, I will try to "catch up" on what has been going on around here! We are in our second to last week of school and it is crunch-time as the kids are trying to get all their work done by next friday our last day! I am excited and very ready for Summer vacation! Although, I doubt that a TLC trip will be much of a vacation! LOL!
Support money has continued to come in and we are sooo close to our goal! Thank-you to everyone who has contributed to our TLC trip! May God RICHLY bless you! God has also supplied some jobs for Danny to do to help bring in more needed money and we are so thankful!
A few Sundays ago, the lesson in our Ladies Bible Class was about learning how to wait on God. The verse was Psalms 27:14 "Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!' I copied this verse down on index cards and put one on my bathroom mirror and on our refrigerator. I have a Wesley Bible and it often has notes about certain verses and I looked up about waiting on God. Here is what it said: Although waiting contains an element of time, there is more to it than time alone. Waiting expresses that COMPLETE DEPENDENCE on the Lord which does not run ahead of Him making its own plans and relying on its own strength. To wait on the Lord is an expression of COMPLETE TRUST. It is better not to rush into something today if the doing is an expression of dependence on our own strength and our own sense of timing. Very often God asks people to wait precisely as an excercise in trust. Wow! Does that speak to you like it has to me?! There have been some disappointing things that have taken place this last week and I have found myself saying "Why?'
and wondering why God does not do such and such and just work everything out. Then I see the verse that I wrote and it speaks to me fresh and new again! Yes, God has been teaching me to truly WAIT on Him! No, it is NOT easy, but with His grace, I am learning!
I had a wonderful Mother's Day with my family. Beautiful flowers from my sweet husband and a homemade card and bookmarks from my kids! We went to my parents for sunday dinner and Danny made a unique dessert that I have pictures of below. We attended our churches Mother-Daughter Banquet and had a fun time. The theme was 'Aprons of Love' and we all wore our favorite aprons and shared how they were special to us. The food was delicious and I have pictures below as well.
Caleb also has turned 10 months since my last post and he is so ornery! He crawls everywhere and is learning to pull himself up on things as well. We all have so much fun playing with him and making him laugh! I am a blessed mother!

Becca, Presley and Abby at the banquet

My Mom, my sister and I wearing our aprons.
Mom made hers and Rachel's. I already had my
Pampered Chef one to wear.

Here are the little girls getting ready to play
Becky Linkletter like the old TV show Art Linkletter.
My Aunt Becky held a microphone
and went down the line asking them questions about
their mommies. I held my breath when she came to my girls
wondering what they would say! She asked Abby" what is the
one thing in the world that your mommy does better than any
other mommy?" Abby answered " the dishes!" LOL!

The girls with Mary Jones, their cousin and Jaelyn
Biberstein their friend.

My beautiful Mother's Day Bouquet!

Danny assembling our yummy dessert!

The finished product! He did a nice job!

Mom and I in front of our special dessert! Mom was
laughing because my dad kept tickling her!

Dad, Danny and Matt fixed Sunday dinner to
give us ladies a break! Barbecued ribs and grilled
chcken were on the menu! Mmmm! Thanks guys!

Abby enjoyed every bite!

Caleb and grandma sharing a tender moment
with Jenny their dog....awww!


Anonymous said...

love the pic of Abby with sauce all over her face, too cute! the guys did good for Sunday, all looked yummy!


Quakenbush's said...

Sounds like things are going well for Haiti. Glad that you had a Happy Mother's Day! :-)