Saturday, August 8, 2009

Eleven years together!

Eleven years ago today I became Mrs. Danny Flowers. Our wedding day was fun and sweet and we both really enjoyed it! I do not remember being all that nervous or feeling any regrets about marrying Danny. We knew that we had both found our soul-mates and that God had put us together! We have been thru a LOT together and are stronger for it and I look forward to what God has planned for our family as he makes the path and we step in it. ;o) Happy Anniversary Honey! I love you very much!

Other news: We recieved the results from Caleb's MRI. The MRI went well and he did fine for the test. They ended up knocking him out with an anesthesia that only lasted thru-out the test. As soon as the MRI was over he woke right up and was happy as could be. I was able to sit in the room with him while they ran the test and that helped ease my mind some. Thank-you for everyone's prayers. His pediatrician called me and said that as far as she can tell that the test looks consistent with how a brain would look that has NF1. However, she did say that she is not a specialist and it could just be that his brain is still too immature yet to really tell anything. the results are being sent to Dr. Walsh at Riley and if he sees anything then he will call me. I told her how Caleb is gaining weight and seems to be fine and that I am not worried. He is a happy, ornery GROWING baby boy! Thank the Lord!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

congrats on 11 years, doesn't seem like it's been that long? Great to hear Caleb is going well too.


Anonymous said...

WOW, so hard to believe it has been 11 years already (man how time flies).... just seems like yesterday that we had peach pie in my parents sunroom and rachel and i were playing our flutes at the wedding,.... congratulations to both of you. It is so neat to watch how God has blessed your family as you have honored Him through your commitment to each other!!!
Love, Leah