Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Summer is flying by!

We have really been enjoying these beautiful days of Summer! We went to the park twice the last few days and had a wonderful time enjoying nature. I decided to forget the dishes and laundry last Friday and told the kids that we would have a fun day doing whatever they wanted to do! (With-in reason!) They gave me suggestions and we wrote them on a piece of paper and stuck them in Ben's hat and drew out 6 ideas. We ended up starting out with a Coloring book marathon with lots of crayons, markers and colored pencils. ;o)

Caleb even got in his share of coloring!

Then we played Candyland!

Candyland and popsicles....can it get any better?!

Next on our list was to pack a picnic lunch and head for the park!

Monkeying in the trees.....

Enjoying a snooze.........

After Caleb woke up, he took a ride with big brother!

Checking out the swings..........

and the all-time favorite monkeybars!

Abby can climb to the top this year!

We ended our day by visiting the waterpad!
Great way to cool off!
What a fun day spent with my children. The dishes and laundry were still there when we got home but I did not mind at all. My children will not always be here and I want to make sure that I spend as much quality time with them as possible! I thank God for my 4 blessings!
In other news.....
Caleb had a weight check today and he is gaining! He has put on almost a lb. in 2 weeks. The vit. D milk is doing its job! We have an MRI scheduled for him tomorrow to look at his brain and etc. He cannot have anything to eat after 9 am and the MRI is not until 11 am. So, I am trying to keep him up late tonight so he will sleep good tomorrow! It is midnight and he is fading fast! I will post the results once we know something......thanks for your prayers!
No call back from the potential buyer so we go back to square one! We have not changed our plans and continue to WAIT on God's timing. Thats all folks!

1 comment:

Maggie said...

mine is margaretgidisa@yahoo.com
cannot wait to here from you!!