Saturday, December 6, 2008

Update: We are still here....

My apologies to our daily, faithful 'lurkers' who have visited and saw the same post for several days now! I call you 'lurkers' because you do not leave a comment letting us know you were here! We love to read your comments, so please say Hello and any comments or thoughts you have! Thanks!
The people who are trying to get financed are not having any success at this time so unless something changes, we will most likely be spending Christmas here in IN. We are still praying, that if it is God's will, for us to be moved by Jan. 5th so Danny can start his classes on time for the Spring semester. Pray for us that we will be able to hear and follow God's leading for our lives for that is truly our prayer!
We have been busy with attending a funeral for my uncle Linn who passed away last Sunday. He had suffered from an unknown illness for the past 10 yrs. that kept him home and mostly bedridden. Before he was struck ill he was a wonderful, caring and loving father, husband, brother, uncle and g-pa. His whole family will miss him and our loss here on earth is truly Heaven's gain! How wonderful to have that reassurance! All 4 children have also been sick and with wiping noses, giving medicine and getting little sleep I have not had time to post. Becca and Caleb went to the dr. yesterday and Becca was diagnosed with a sinus infection and Caleb with eye infections. Both of them are on antibiotics and already feeling better! :o) And.....we have snow,snow,snow and more snow! It has been falling all day and to the kids great disappointment, they are not allowed out until they get better! So, we have watched our share of Christmas classics, read library books, slept and just hung out at home eating chicken noodle soup, vit. c and cough drops and going thru the kleenex and Vicks vapo-rub! And just this evening Becca made us Hot Chocolate and we enjoyed it very much! Here are some pics....

This is a Lego Mansion that Becca built.

Here is Ben's Lego house.

Sleeping Beauty! Abby conked out on the couch
because she was so exhausted from the funeral.

You can see how sick he was from his eyes...
poor baby! I feel so bad when my children are
sick and miserable! :o(

.........Thank you, Jesus, that he is feeling better!

My goofballs enjoying their hot chocolate!
They managed to get plenty on their faces!


Anonymous said...

well, I'm certainly not a lurker ;o) cute pixs! I decided not to go to the b shower today because, I don't particularly like to drive sideways on a bridge, and that's what happened when I first started out for M & D's, so I turned around and drove home. Glad the kids are feeling better.


Lisa said...

Hey Liz, thanks for the diaper advice. I came to the conclusion it was yeast too. I used monistat cream on it and it's getting better. I've been feeding her yogurt but the bifidophalus (I think I spelled that wrong) might be better. Thanks! Hope to see you Thursday, unless someone buys your place before then. I'm praying things work as they should for you guys.