Saturday, August 16, 2008

A hodge-podge of recent happenings

Nothing huge and monumental has been going on around here, so I am posting random pics of this and that..:o)

The BEAUTIFUL roses that my sweetie bought me for our 10th anniversary! They are some of the most prettiest roses I have ever seen! Thank-you honey! I love you!

Brotherly love! Let's hope it lasts!

Sisterly love... (It doesn't last!)

in rollers! They wanted their hair to be curly for church.

Abby's curled nicely but Becca's was still straight after all

that work!

This is my favorite picture! They all love their baby brother a lot!

Caleb gets smothered with luvins' more than he cares for.

His expression tells it all!
...and last, but not least, the little man at 5 weeks.

1 comment:

Lanee M. said...

Happy 10 years. Aaron and I celebrated 10 years on July 18. It's funny reading through your blog, we have so much in comman. LOL!

Glad to find your blog. I'll try to keep in touch!