Wednesday, August 27, 2008

School and the flu!?

You are probably thinking what a wierd title! Although it may sound wierd, it is the best way to describe the last few days around here. Sunday morning Ben woke up complaining of his belly hurting. He was not running a temp and seemed fine otherwise. We all got ready for church and were halfway there when he vomited in the van :o( Since we had planned to go to my parents house for dinner we decided to drop off Me, Caleb and Ben at their house while the rest of the healthy ones went to church. Ben was miserable all morning and kept throwing up. The funny thing is that I thought that it was just his allergies because all he was throwing up was mucous since he had not eaten anything all day. Well, that evening Me, Becca, Abby and Caleb went to church and Danny stayed home with Ben. We were about 10 minutes from home when Abby repeated Ben's performance from earlier! Only this time it was not just snot! EWWW! What a mess! I grabbed wipes and a stray Walmart bag that happened to be handy and cleaned her up the best I could. She ended up riding home in just her undies! All night Abby was sick and we were changing sheets and get the picture! I quickly realized that our family had somehow contracted a nasty flu bug and it was making its way through everyone. Sure enough, it hit Danny Tues. afternoon and he is just now starting to feel better. Who will be next?! I am hoping and praying that it is done! At this time noone is sick...hope the wellness lasts!

To add to the chaos of the last few days, we started homeschooling Monday. (That was a fairly healthy day!) Becca is in 4th grade, Ben is in 1st and Abby is pre-school. We are using the ACE curriculum that they are used to and I had all my school days. I will not lie and say that everything is going smoothly because it is not! Challenging and overwhelming are 2 words that come to mind to describe the last 3 days! However, we feel that this is the best option for our family right now and with LOTS of God's grace we will make it! Remember us in your prayers that we can get a routine worked out and that I do not tear out my hair! LOL!!

Here are pics of schooltime:

Getting ready to start the 2008-2009 school year.
Abby-pre-school, Becca-4th, Ben-1st

Becca doing her English PACE.

Ben is very proud of the letters that he is learning to write.

Abby 'made' her letters out of glue and dried beans.

Caleb took his first nap in his crib since he has been born! This
was such a milestone for him because everytime we laid him in his crib he would wake up and cry and we had to hold him. This
was on Monday and he slept in there again today..yeah!!

Becca cooked pancakes for our breakfast and made smiley faces!

Ben is being very studious!

Abby sitting at her little desk coloring.

Here are some other random pics:

Landon Summers came to visit and we had to get
pics of the 2 cuties!

Caleb was trying his best to eat his hand while daddy held him.

I guess I don't feed him enough...LOL!

That's all folks! Have a good night!


Maggie said...

sorry about the flu going through your family! sounds rough! your kids are so cute! Looks you are an awesome job Elizabeth!! You are in my thoughts and prayers:)

Constance said...

Hey, still on vacation, but trying to keep up with everyone. That is really rough with all of the flu. Especially at school time. ugh :0(
Enjoyed the pictures. Good luck.