Monday, August 18, 2008

We have got tomatoes coming out our ears!

Anyone want some tomatoes!? Earlier this Spring, Danny bought 40 tomato plants thinking that he would be selling them. Well, we ended up planting all 40 in our garden! And now we have gotten well over 200 tomatoes! We LOVE tomatoes and have been enjoying them, but enough is enough! We have made 1 batch of salsa and Danny is getting ready to make another batch. We really enjoy chips and salsa! But, seriously, if you would like some tomatoes and live here locally..let us know! We would rather give them away and let others enjoy them then to have them rot.;o)

Other news: My mom is turning 50 tomorrow! My dad, sister, brother and I put on a BIG surprise party for her last Sat. There were over 50 people that came and we had dominoes pizza, chips, carrot cake, choc. sheet cake, butter pecan icecream and choc. chip cookies. All her favorites! When her and my dad came home riding on their new-to-them Goldwing motorcycle, we were all hiding in their dark garage and we all yelled "Surprise". She definitely was! It turned out great! She recieved some nice presents...candles, hand soaps and Thomas Kincaid just to name a few. I volunteered to make the carrot cake since I know that is her absolute favorite. I was a little nervous about it turning out since I have never baked a cake that BIG before! (It took 3 cake mixes!) Thankfully, it turned out. Today my dad whisked her away on their Goldwing to Little Nashville for some R&R time. They are staying in a nice bed and breakfast type place that mom said is way back in the boonies.

Happy Birthday Mom! We love and appreciate you very much and hope you have a wonderful, relaxing time on your birthday!

Notice that we did not use a regular birthday cake candle? That is because the 2 candles that I brought for that specific purpose were mysteriously missing when we needed them! We looked everywhere and could not find them, so we opened mom's buffet and grabbed the little votive and ....TADA! We had a candle! ;o)


Constance said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog. I am glad that you have one. We can keep in touch with each other alot better now. I enjoyed all of the pics of your family. Congratulations on her newest addition. You have a beautiful family. I will definitely keep in touch.

Maggie said...

hey absolutely made my evening to see your post on my blog that I have not checked in months. I get on facebook and saw rebecca hirschey and got your email. have a little one. Your family is so beautiful!! How are you doing?