Thursday, October 23, 2008

Cute pics of Caleb

Here are the promised photos of the baby boy!

I was holding him and the kids were trying to get

him to smile... worked!

I LOVE this one..such a huge smile!

Aunt Rachel visited Sunday and got to hold him.
We had a church dinner and our newlywed friends,
Steve and Annessa enjoyed him. Great looking


Quakenbush's said...

What a cutie-batootie! :-) Can't wait to hold him and see all the kids again! Talk to ya tonight!

Martha C said...

Liz, was great to hear from you. I meant to contact you sooner. My apologies for not! We will be leaving early Monday (27th) and plan to return the following Monday (3rd). The kids are really excited. I am happy as well; I just know all the work cut out for me. :-) I hope, hope, hope the baby sleeps!!!!!!
Blessings on your new venture and change in life. I hope all goes well in your move. I will keep checking in to see the progress.

The Dickinsons said...

Cute pics of your baby. WOW! I haven't been to your blog for some days and was SHOCKED to find out that you are moving. But, I know the feeling, that there is nothing better than KNOWING that you are in God's will and doing what HE wants. =) I trust that the packing, sorting, moving, and adjustments go as well as can be expected. =)