Monday, October 13, 2008

Garage Sale, Old Toys and Etc..

Since work has been slow and because we desperately NEEDED to downsize, we had a 3 day garage sale this last week-end. God helped us to make around $400 and we sold a LOT of stuff! It feels really good to get rid of things that you don't need anymore! Danny and I went thru the attic in our shed and found boxes of old college stuff and odds and ends that we both have accumulated over 10 yrs! It was fun to go thru old journals of mine and read about my life at 17..ahhh, I feel so old!! ;o) Danny found some old Stompers that he has been saving since he was a little boy. He brought them in and gave them to Ben and made his day! He has been playing with them almost constantly since Thur. Ben insisted that I take pics of him with all daddys 'cool stompers'! I have included pics of them and him so you can see just how 'cool' they really are! ;o)
Caleb is teething already! He has two swollen spots on his gums and has been really crabby lately! He normally does NOt cry for long periods of time as long as he has been fed, changed and is not gassy. When all those things had checked out fine and he was still screaming, I began to suspect an ear infection. I had his ears looked at today and they are fine. So, he is obviously in pain from the two teeth that are coming thru. It is not the normal spot where teeth usually come in. He is getting these on the sides of the middle spots! Caleb has been very different than the other 3 from day one so I shouldn't be surprised that he is getting his teeth in differently too! ;o)

Our garage sale. We added more things each
day. We sold most clothes 5/$100 and people
loved it!

You only have to look at his face to see how
much he likes them!

Ben is so proud his 'new' toys!

Here they all are with the two big ones.

Caleb is happy here after getting his belly full!

Caleb weighs 12 lbs now!


Constance said...

What a great sale. I am glad that you did well.

Quakenbush's said...

Caleb's smile is really cute! Tell him to save some of them for when he gets down here! :-) Glad to here that it is not an ear infection that is causing him the pain! Talk to you soon!

The Dickinsons said...

Thanks for the nice comment on my blog. Y'all's personalized Christmas stockings sound really nice! =)
So glad that your yard sale was a success.
I'm sure your boy is loving those toys from Daddy's childhood.
If it is comforting to your heart, my Elijah has his 2 middle bottom teeth in, and the next teeth that appear that they will be coming VERY SOON are those 2 pointy teeth on either side of his 2 top middle teeth, which he doesn't have yet. He will look just right for halloween. HA! =)