Friday, September 12, 2008

Exciting Missions Opportunity!

We wanted to share with everyone how God has been working! Danny is flying to Florida this weekend to go to the Turks and Cakous Islands to help repair mission houses and churches that have recently been devastated by 4 major storms to that area! Here is how this amazing and seemingly impossible trip has came about.
Danny mowed all day this past Wed. and his allergies were acting up really bad so he stayed home from church while I took the kids. He decided to watch Hobe Sound Bible College's service. During the opening announcements a man from the missions organization, HIM, talked about the damage to the Islands and asked for help. They were trying to get teams of 4 men to go over for a week's time to repair buildings and etc. Danny thought that he would love to go but since we live in IN it just did not seem possible. (See how we limit God?) All night he could not sleep and God would NOT let him stop thinking about it! We talked it over and did not see anyway that it would work out. He decided to call HIM and see if they had enough men for the first team. When he called and talked to the man who made the ann., he was asked when he could get there? Danny told him that we could cover the plane ticket there but we would not be able to pay for his air fare to go the Islands. He was told not to worry about that expense because they were trusting God to fund it and just to get down there and they would take care of the rest. The man began to go over what Danny would need and among the list was an up-to-date passport. Now, Danny went on a T.L.C. trip 10 years ago and still has a passport. He looked for it and saw it expired May of this yr! He called him back and was told to see what he could find out and Danny said that he would let him know. At that point, we began to question if this was God closing the door? We decided to keep checking until we could go no more and the door was firmly shut. We found out that in order to re-new his passport in time to go this week-end that he needed to go to Chicago. Chicago is an almost 4 hrs drive one way and he would have to pay $135 as well as parking and toll fees along the way. Once again, we looked at our finances and this looked impossible! Danny called the passport office and found out that if he printed and filled out an application and had a schedule showing when he was flying and that it was going to be within a few days that he might get his passport with- in 48 hrs. He did that late last night and got all the papers he needed in order. In the meantime we got to talk to the Quakenbushes and they had just heard about the teams that were going to be going out and that Danny was trying to go. Well, guess who their next-door neighbor is? The same man that Danny needed to talk to but did not have his #! Greg was so gracious to put a note on the man's car to call Danny asap this morning. (Thanks Greg!) When this man called Danny he told him that he had 4 men signed up and that one of the men had just backed out! He had been praying this morning asking God to send a replacement! (Gives you chills doesn't it!)Thru God-ordered events everything is working out! Minutes before he walked out the door for Chicago, a good Christian friend handed him $150! Enough to cover passport and expenses! His appt. was at 2 pm and he arrived early and got in at 1:30. He had a 2 hr. wait and had his passport in hand a little after 3:30.The place closed at 4!( See how perfect God's timing is!) I just talked to him and he is on his way home. We will be booking his flight tonight! We are just in awe of the way God has and is working this out! There are some more expenses to be covered but we are completely confident of God providing! We do not know why, but Danny is obviously supposed to go this week! They will be sending out teams for a month and we thought that he may have to go at a later date but that is not God's plan! What an amazing, awesome God we serve!! One other thing I have to tell you is that once I came to terms with my man being gone for a week in another country, I had a peace about this the whole time and even when it looked impossible I still felt that he was going to go. That is help from God because I do NOT like when Danny has to be gone overnight and I just don't do the 'single parent thing' very well! As it is, we will be staying with my parents while he is gone and mom will be helping with the kids schooling..thanks dad and mom! Hope we don't get on your nerves too much! ;o) Danny will be taking the camera and bringing back lots of pics and I will post them asap. Pray for his nerves! He has only flew once and that was to Guatemala on the TLC trip. He will be flying 4 times within a weeks time for only the second time in his life! Pray that God will continue to orchestrate this amazing journey and use Danny how HE sees fit!

Other news: Caleb had his 2 month check-up and shots today. He is doing okay, just a little crabby! He weighs 10lbs 8 oz. He is healthy and growing nicely.
Thank-you for your prayers! We appreciate it!

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