Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Happy 9th Birthday to our 1st born!

Rebecca Grace turned 9 today! How time flies! It seemed just yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital as a newborn! She is growing up so fast and has been a BIG help lately with her siblings.

On your 9th birthday I wanted to take the time to say how very much we love you and how proud we are of the thoughtful young lady that you are becoming! God has given you the gift of playing the piano and a creative mind that comes up with things I never would have thought of! When you were just a baby Daddy and I dedicated you to Jesus and we pray that you will let Him have your heart and life and follow His will. Always remember that Jesus loves you and so do we! Have a wonderful birthday Honey!

Love Your Daddy and Mommy

Rebecca's first picture at 9 years old!

Even though it was her birthday, she still had
to do schoolwork...aren't I mean!?

Here is her Birthday balloon from Daddy.
She loves horses!

Fall is in the air and the kids have been having a blast playing in the leaves. I caught them throwing the leaves down and running through them and had to capture their childish delight!

This pic is a little blurred but I love the look
on Becca's face!

Ben is about to get dumped on!

Three piles of leaves about to go airborne...
yes, they were an absolute mess! LOL!

Taking a breather and posing for Mommy.
Fall is so fun!
And last, but not least, a few pics of the little guy..

Caleb spends much of his time doing this while
we homeschool...thank goodness! He wore
this sleeper home from the hospital and swam
in it.....only two months ago! It fits just fine now.

He spends the other part of his time in his crib
watching the always-exciting mobile!
I will close with Abbies tribute to Becca. Awww!


Constance said...

Ok, you know what is really hard to believe. I remember when she was born. Hello, I feel old. :) Happy birthday, Becca.

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday Rebecca! I finally remembered to check out your blog. Extremely cute kids of course ;-)

Maggie said...

Ahhh...happy b-day! Your little guy is soooooooooo adorable!!! I love the one of him sleeping. Your kids look like are having a lot of fun! God Bless you all!

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a great birthday becca, hope to see you soon, so we can give you your present - that we know you will love :o)

Aunt R and uncle M